On March 4th Walt Disney Pictures presents to you their 55th Disney animated feature film, Zootopia. It tells the story of a police officer bunny named Judy Hopps, (Ginnifer Goodwin) who teams up with the fox, Nick Wilde, (Jason Bateman) a con artist, to solve a case in the city of Zootropolis. So in honor of the new movie here… Read More
15 Zootopia Books for Kids
On March 4th 2016 Walt Disney Pictures brings you an animated action comedy adventure, Zootopia. The best way to learn… Read More
Spot the Differences “Disney•Pixar’s “Finding Dory” #FindingDory
I loved “Finding Nemo” when it first came out!! As a child, I connected with the characters because my Father was a lot like Nemo’s dad. I honor of “Disney•Pixar’s “Finding Dory”, I thought we could have some fun with a spot the differences puzzle. CLICK Here for the ANSWER KEY Disney•Pixar’s “Finding Dory” diving into Theaters on Nov…. Read More
Star Wars The Force Awakens Bedroom Idea #StarWars #AForceAwakens
I know everybody is excited about the new Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens Movie out December 14th. So to get in the spirit, how about creating a Star Wars themed bedroom. We have Star Wars comforters, sheets, pillow decors, and more! So you don’t have to worry about finding the items because we have it all right here…. Read More
25 Star Wars Books for Kids #StarWars #TheForceAwakens
In honor of the new Star Wars movie out December 14, here is a collection of books I know you will enjoy. There are not only storybooks but coloring books, sticker books, and more! 1) Star Wars Jumbo Coloring and Activity Book Set of 4 – A Jumbo The Force Awakens coloring book that is a Four book set. 2) Star Wars Coloring… Read More
50 Star Wars A Force Awakens Gift Ideas for Kids #StarWars #TheForceAwakens
I am sure everybody is excited to see the new Star Wars Episode Vll The Force Awakens movie out on December 14. This legendary franchise has a broad number of fans and only gets bigger! If your get kids are Star Wars lovers, get involved by checking out this list of amazing Star Wars Birthday Gift Ideas for Kids. We… Read More
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