When contacting by phone I simply ask them if they have any coupons available and if they have a mailing list I can get added to. I have received coupons in the mail from all the contacts below. Purina Tidycat – 800-778-7462 Vlasic PIckles – 800-421-3265 Kings Hawaiin Bread/Rolls– 877-695-4227 or http://www.kingshawaiian.com/offers/ I got a $2 coupon in my email… Read More
Krista Boutilier – Thank you for helping me get the leprechaun to come back tonight!! As a reward for your good deed, you have found St. Patty’s Pot of Gold. Please Email us at Giveaways(at)MyCouportiera.com If you didn’t Find St. Patty’s “Pot of Gold” No Worries we still have more pots waiting. Click on this link to see how you can… Read More
Pot of Gold Alert for – Susy Ojeda
Susy – Thank you for being so helpful with spreading the news about the great deals on MyCouportiera. As a reward for your good deed You have found St. Patty’s Pot of Gold. Please Email us at Giveaways(at)MyCouportiera.com If you didn’t Find St. Patty’s “Pot of Gold” No Worries we still have more pots waiting. Click on this link to… Read More
Pot of Gold Alert- Ashley Yale
Ashley Yale Thank you for being so helpful with spreading the news about the great deals on MyCouportiera. As a reward for your good deed You have found St. Patty’s Pot of Gold. Please Email us at Giveaways@MyCouportiera.com
St. Patrick’s Day Event
St. Patty loves a good party, but through the years he’s grown tired of the same boring routine. So of course, when Cupid told him how much fun he had hanging out with the MyCouportiera Team; St. Patty just knew where he wanted to have his next St. Patrick Day Party. MyCouportiera Of Course! ! ! March 15 to March… Read More
Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle helps me get my kids to do chores! #MrCleanMorePower
Lately, chores have been an ongoing argument in my house. About six months ago, we had an issue where my two teenage boy refused to wash dish. My husband and I could get the 13 year old (Houston) to do his part, however, our 16 year old (Justin) actually boycotted doing them. We took away Justin’s cell phone, video games… Read More