To celebrate the highly anticipated ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot Sony Pictures invited a select group of Ghostbloggers to sit down with the cast and talk about the upcoming film and we were there to get in on the action, or should I say laughs. ‘Ghostbusters’ icon Ivan Reitman joined castmates Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon along with writer Katie Dippold and legendary director Paul Feig. Here are seven things I learned from the cast and filmmakers of ‘Ghostbusters.’
It. Was. A. Dream. Come. True.
There wasn’t a person on the panel who wasn’t ecstatic about being a part of this project and it showed not only on their faces but the way they responded to one another as well. When asked how they felt being a part of such a beloved franchise the ladies told us:
“ If that’s really a day at the office, I was like Oh My God? This is a pretty good deal. It just seemed nutty from the screen-test on” McCarthy
“ It was kind of like a carnival ride or hoe down or any number of fun things…It’s kind of like the funnest thing you can imagine, like that” – McKinnon
“It was like camp, summer camp, with arts and crafts and camp counselors”- Jones
Improv City
While Paul Feig and Kattie Dippold worked hard on the script and had the story and plot down one of the things he loved was allowing the women to do what they do best, improv. The scene that they improved the most was the interview scene with Chris Hemsworth, McCarthy told us they have about 72 takes each longer than the next of that scene. Feig told us:
“I just try to stay out of their way. We put the script together which was a nice road map, and we know what we need out of each seen but then how we get there, that’s the fun we have of letting these four ladies just kind of go for it…we don’t throw away the script, but they are just such masters at making it their own and that’s why you get that feeling that you are there in the room with them and these are your friends”
“I love when they would yell “Dealers choice” and we would say, yes! That means we can do what we want!”- Jones added
Why Now?
Ivan Reitman has been part of Ghostbusters since the very beginning and has never turned his back on the franchise, always believing that he could breath more life into it. When asked if he thought this was the right time to bring it back he told us:
“I think so, and particularly as told by these four extroadinary women. You ask me if it was fun on the set? It was just remarkable to be there to watch them and to see it happening again and to see it continue. It’s something that we all wanted to continue but we never managed to talk each other in to for about twenty years. Then suddenly to see it happen again under Paul Feig’s direction was just a great thrill.”
Science Is Cool
There are a slew of scientific terms in this movie much like there were in the first and most of them come from Jillian Holtzmen played by Katie McKinnon so when asked how she learned all those scientific words and we learned a little secret. McKinnon told us:
“I love science and junk like that so it was fun!”
“I have to jump in here, she (McKinnon) is such a scientest in secret” – Dippold added
A new ‘Ghostbusters’ means an entirely new generation falling in love with the heroes of the story, which doesn’t go unnoticed by the new team. When McCarthy was asked what it meant to her to be the new hero she told us:
“It means the world to me, every time we put something out into the world where they can see themselves and they wouldn’t even have the realization of why wouldn’t it be me, why wouldn’t I be the hero, why wouldn’t I be the Ghostbuster. I think that does such incredibly important things not only for little girls, but for little boys to go “she can be my hero.”
This Is Not Just A Women’s Movie
Much like the original this movie was written and made for the movie going audience that loves a great comedy with a side of ghosts. It was a movie for all ages, those that aren’t afraid of ghosts of course and men and women alike became instant fans. This movie is no different thanks to Paul Feig’s direction and Dippold’s script. McCarthy told us:
“Paul doesn’t direct a women’s movie, he doesn’t say this is for women…Katie wrote these four incredible characters and them being women is of no consequence to the movie and that’s the biggest statement we can make.”
We Are Family
Watching the cast and filmmakers together made it insanely clear that they weren’t just co-workers they were a family. There were non-stop jokes, smiles, and laughs. They clearly all were very fond of each other. So when we asked what the most memorable day on set was, we weren’t surprised at the answer. McKinnon told us:
“I think for me, and this is sort of a private moment so I don’t know how you’ll feel about me sharing it, but the day that we wrapped we all, we cried the entire day. Our make up artists were pretty upset with us, there was a lot of running mascara. That for me, just to realize how close we’ve grown, in that span of time. I didn’t think as an adult I could develop that kind of friendship with new people, it took me by surprise and it was a beautiful moment to just ball our eyes out because we were so sad to be leaving each other.”
‘Ghostbusters’ opens up in theatres everywhere in the US on July 15. Head on out to theatres and check it out for yourselves, you will not be disappointed. Make sure you stay till the very, very end of the credits or you will miss out on a great scene. Check back on the site for my full review soon.
See you at the movies,
Xoxo Krisily
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