Struggling to find something green for your little girl to wear on St. Patrick’s Day? Want to avoid those dreaded inevitable pinches for not wearing green? You’re in luck! These sweet St. Patrick’s Day outfits for girls are adorable, and they all feature a little bit of green and fun. They’ll look beautiful on your little baby or toddler…. Read More
10 Tips on Getting Thrift Store Scores on Name Brand Toddler Clothing #DIFINDS
Although there are numerous ways to save on kid’s clothing, one avenue that I think is greatly overlooked is thrift stores. Growing up, my mom would go thrift store shopping all the time. As a child, I loved going shopping at thrift stores with her. However, once I became an adult, I avoided going this route due to my… Read More
7 Cute Easter Dresses for Babies
Easter Sunday is the one day that folks turn out in their “Sunday best.” If you’re looking for the perfect dress for your little bundle of joy, here are some absolutely adorable options. Whether you want her to be pretty in pink, darling in blue or wonderful in white (or somewhere in between), there’s an Easter dress here for you. Here… Read More
Infinity Headbands {Review}
I love having a daughter!! Before, she was born, I use window shop and stare at all the cute little girl accessories. Now, that she is here, I cant help buying everyone I see. I like to buy a bow or headband for almost every outfit, I buy. But, it can get expensive depending on the quality of the bow… Read More
Shop Zulily for the perfect Holiday Outfit!
When the boys where little, every Christmas, I would pick out an outfit for their picture with Santa. Normally, it would be something simple, a nice top, Jeans and a pair of shoes. However, now that I have a daughter, I get to go all out. When I buy her dresses, I like to purchase, matching shoes, headbands and little… Read More
Miss Mushi Shoes by Yochi Shoes
Why I think {Yochi Shoes} are so NEAT: Little Miss Joy is learning how to walk, so I am always looking for tool that will help in this process. Yochi Shoes are unlike other shoes. What makes these very special is they have a little squeaking diaphragm in the heel. Therefore, every time she took a step, the shoes would… Read More