If you’re a major DC and Marvel nerd like myself, you’ve been paying attention to the superhero movie lineup for 2016.
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” kicks the year off for DC and delivers as magnificently as you would imagine. Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, and Jesse Eisenberg all have the acting chops to carry the significant roles they play, and this rendition of Lex Luthor is one of the most villainous I’ve seen. The storytelling was well organized and to me, it felt like an emotional rollercoaster. Did I mention Batman? Yeah, Batman is in this, and that should be enough for me to convince you to see this, but let’s go further into detail regardless!
Play Very Well

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Photo Credit ~ Clay Enos
When it was announced that Ben Affleck would be starring as Batman, some people were amazed, and others were outraged for reasons I’m unsure of after seeing the film. To me, Batman has always had a smugness to him with a hint of wit when the time is most appropriate, and throughout the movie, that’s exactly what Affleck embodied. Cavill ( Superman ) happens to play very well off of Affleck, and during the parts of the film where Batman and Superman weren’t friends, things were very dicey, and I thoroughly enjoyed that. While Gal Gadot ( Wonderwoman ) did have some screen time, I feel like she should have had a lot more, it being she makes up a very significant role in the Justice League. And I must stress the fact that the cinematic superhero universe lacks strong female protagonists, and with a character like Wonder Woman, there’s plenty of potential there. Wonder Woman is supposed to be getting her own film sometime next year, so I’m really looking forward to that.
Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Photo Credit ~ Clay Enos
Let’s talk about Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor? Casting job: nailed. I will admit, I lean towards the villains, I like it when the heroes lose sometimes. But never have I felt so angry towards a fictional character in my life. Lex Luthor is wise and painfully manipulative in the comics, and that’s what Eisenberg delivered in the film. I would advise you all to bring a stress ball with you to the theaters when you see it. Okay, that’s a little much, but man did he make me mad! My favorite performance out of the bunch with no doubts, I’m excited to see more of him.
DC Cinematic Universe

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Photo Credit ~ Clay Enos
If you haven’t watched “Man of Steel” no need to fear, “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice” will bring you up to speed. Not only did it do a fantastic job at refreshing the audience’s memory, but it also laid things out in a way that made the DC cinematic universe easier to understand. Every single scene was relevant to the story, and there wasn’t a lot of time wasted, which is something you’d hope for a movie that runs for two hours and a half. To me, the fighting scenes were easily the best part because they’re original and, unlike any other fighting scenes I’ve seen. How I would imagine how a fight would be between Superman and Batman happened in the film, and I was very satisfied. When Batsy and Superman went toe to toe, I could feel the tension in the air, and when I say most of us were on the edges of our seat, there is no exaggeration there.
Kick Things Off

Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Photo Credit ~ Clay Enos
Spring break is on the way, and going to see this with a loved one or your family is definitely a great way to kick things off. If I were you, I would see it in Imax because the visuals are phenomenal, and it’s worth every penny ( unlike the popcorn at some of these places, am I right? ). “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” offers a little bit of everything; action, drama, romance, and even a hint of comedy. Now, all it’s missing is you, so I extremely urge all of you to see it!
Until Next Time
JJ King
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