Hey guys with all the upcoming vacations time, headed our way. I thought, I would help you out with your movie planning, by sharing this great Movie Clip from DreamWorks Pictures “The Fifth Estate”. I want to see this so bad, however with all the giveaways we have coming up, I just haven;t had the chance YET!!!!. I hope you like the Trailer.
The Fifth Estate refers to citizen journalism. “Fifth Estate” is used to describe media outlets (including the blogosphere) that see themselves in opposition to mainstream media (the official press), any class or group in society other than the clergy (First Estate), the nobility (Second Estate), the commoners (Third Estate) and the press (Fourth Estate). It has been used to describe civil society, the poor or the proletariat.
Disclosure: Mycouportiera was provided with information for this post by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. No compensation was received.
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