In our world today, it’s common for moms to be very open with how we feel. Society frequently checks in on us too. But can you really recall how many times you’ve read an article about a dad’s perspective on things? You know how he’s feeling and what he thinks about life and family matters or why he does things the way that he does? Daddy’s Home 2 will have you belting out with laughter and will also surprisingly offer fair insight into some of these questions.
Hosted by Paramount Pictures

Daddy’s Home 2 brings together Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Linda Cardellini, John Cena, John Lithgow & Mel Gibson in the sequel to the 2015 global smash hit Daddy’s Home. Father and stepfather, Dusty (Wahlberg) and Brad (Ferrell) have joined forces to provide their kids with the perfect Christmas, or at least attempt too. Life is full of lessons and Daddy’s Home 2 is no exception. Real life family dynamics are confronted through comedy and you‘ll definitely walk away relating to and learning from these characters.
Daddy’s Home 2 differs from the first film because the dads’ dads are showing up for Christmas and adding another complicated layer to the conflict between the two of them. It was an idea that writer/director Sean Anders said was too good to pass up. While the many heated scenarios made for a good storyline, they also provide
Here are 3 Life Lessons You’ll Learn From Daddy’s Home 2
- The Together Christmas
This idea came about after a Christmas program at the children’s school. Megan daughter of Sara(Cardellini) and Duty (Wahlberg) responded to the question of “What do you like most about Christmas?” saying that she hates Christmas because her family can never spend it together, they have to seperate Christmas on two different days. This was an embarrassment and wake up call to her parents and step-parents listening in the audience. Thus came The Together Christmas or a Co-Parenting style celebration. This year both families would come together under one roof and set aside any differences for the sake of the children.
- Affection amongst father and son.
This was a tough nut to crack and mainly existed between Dusty (Wahlberg) and Kurt (Gibson). They are tough as nails father and son duo that is not big on showing affection towards one another. Throughout the film, they struggle to express themselves in any heartfelt manner. Intimacy exists between them but you really have to look for it because most times it came in the form of a choke hold or yelling match.
This exposes a very traditional mindset about fathers and sons openly showing affection for one another. Dusty is a bit jealous of the relationship between Don and Brad, says Wahlberg Brad (Ferrell) and Don (Lithgow) are very comfortable with their relationship, evening finishing each other’s sentences and sharing numerous hugs and kisses. Don taught Brad to be an easy-going, loving and considerate father by being that way himself.
When we know better we do better. We also know that dad’s have feelings too and are even finding new and positive ways to express them.
- Character Building with kids through failure.
Back in the 80s, if you lost, you went home and dealt with it. Today a loss means everyone gets a trophy and heaven forbid if someone didn’t order one for the entire team. The families had a family bowl night and as modern day parents do, they put bumpers in the gutter on the kid’s games. Gibson’s character Kurt nearly came to pieces as he insisted that gutter’s were not needed as children learned through failure. “It made them stronger.” Wahlberg tries to explain that he was using the bumpers to build his son’s confidence. While neither parenting style here is wrong, it exposed a gap that we deal with in society daily. Kid’s will learn to loose, it’s just a matter of if they learn as children or as adults. The common goal here is building character in the face of defeat.
Daddy’s Home 2 is in theaters on November 10 just in time for the holidays. There are some sensitive topics discussed in this film but I still consider it very family friendly and it’ll be sure to provide plenty of laughter for all.
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